####################################################### ######### System configuration file ######### ####################################################### # All string values must be quoted and #,!,; will be considered as a comment # Decoder image build tag(Default Tag Field is not meaningful) buildTag="build_tag_param" # DHCP if autoCfgFlag = 1, static if 0 autoCfgFlag=1 # Syslog Facility (1: System, 2:User, 3: System+User) logfacility=1 # Default: 3 # Syslog level (0:Debug, 1:Info, 2: Notice, 3: Warning, 4: Error, 5: Critical, 6: Alert, 7: Always) loglvl=7 # Default: 7 # DRM log level, verimatrix: (0 least, 5 most) drmloglvl=0 # Default: 0 # Boot Source Sequence (network/flash) bootSource="network" # Boot Method (0:STOP BOOT, 1: NORMAL BOOT, 2: DELAY BOOT) bootMethod=1 # Default: 1 # Boot Delay (In msec), Used with "DELAY BOOT" bootDelayMs=829386356 # Boot String bootstr="" # Auto reg RF remote to STB (0:OFF, 1:group1, 2:group2, 3:group3) auto_reg_remote=1 # Remote Addresses remoteAddress0a=0 remoteAddress0b=0 remoteAddress0c=0 remoteAddress1a=0 remoteAddress1b=0 remoteAddress1c=0 remoteAddress2a=0 remoteAddress2b=0 remoteAddress2c=0 ############################################# # Available country settings # 0 - Australia # 1 - Eastern Europe # 2 - Italy # 3 - South America # 4 - UK # 5 - Western Europe ############################################# country=5 # default: Western Europe # Channel ID videoChanFreq0="61.2500" videoChanFreq1="00.00" # 601.25.25MHz is CATV ch.87 videoChanFreq2="00.00" # 313.25MHz is CATV ch.39 #RF power rf0Power=1 rf1Power=1 ########################################### # Available COMPOSITE video formats # 80 - NTSC_M # 81 - PAL_M # 82 - PAL_60 # 83 - PAL_BG # # Available COMPONENT video formats # 60 - 1080i60 # 62 - 1080i50 # 72 - 720p60 # 74 - 720p50 # 80 - NTSC_M # 81 - PAL_M # 82 - PAL_60 # 83 - PAL_BG # 84 - 480p59 # 85 - 576p50 # # Available HDMI video formats # 6 - HDMI_720p60 # 8 - HDMI_1080i60 # 22 - HDMI_720p50 # 23 - HDMI_1080i50 # 4 - HDMI_480p60 # 21 - HDMI_576p50 # 10 - HDMI_480i60 # 24 - HDMI_576i50 # 31 - HDMI_1080p24 # 34 - HDMI_1080p30 # # Available video scale formats # 0 - PILLAR, for 4:3 on 16:9 display, black bars are added to left and right sides # 1 - WIDE, for 4:3 on 16:9 display, source is linearly scaled to fill 16:9 screen # 2 - ZOOM, for 4:3 on 16:9 display, center of 16:9 portion is displayed # 3 - PANORAMA, for 4:3 on 16:9 display, center portion is lineraly scaled but non-linear for left and right side # 4 - CROP, for 16:9 on 4:3 display, center of 4:3 portion is displayed # 5 - LETTERBOX, for 16:9 on 4:3 display, entire 16:9 source is displayed with black bars at top and bottom # 6 - SQUEEZE, for 16:9 on 4:3 display, source is linearly scalled to fill 4:3 screen # 7 - LB_14_9, for 16:9 on 4:3 display, entire 16:9 source is cropped to 14:9, and displayed with black bars at top and bottom ########################################### # Composite Video Output video0_format=80 # NTSC_M video0_scale=1 # WIDE # Scart Video Output (currently not used) video1_format=0 video1_scale=1 # Component Video Output video2_format=72 # 720p60 video2_scale=1 # WIDE # HDMI Video Output Format video3_format=6 # HDMI_720p60 video3_scale=1 # WIDE ########################################### # Available OSD formats # 0 - 720x480 # 1 - 720x576 # 2 - 800x600 # 3 - 1024x768 # 4 - 1280x720 # -1 - custom: use value in osdWidth, osdHeight # Available OSD subformats # 0 - 24bpp_888 # 1 - 24bpp_565 # 2 - 32bpp_8888 # 3 - 16bpp_565 # 4 - 16bpp_1555 # 5 - 16bpp_4444 # 6 - 32bpp_4444 ########################################### # OSD format osdFormat=0 # 720x480 # OSD subformat osdSubformat=2 # 32bpp_8888 osdWidth=0 osdHeight=0 # Default URL defaultURL="file://nfs/Web%20Testing/index.html" # Boot Status bootStatus=2 ##### IP related ##### INTERFACE=eth0 # IP Address (e.g. IPADDR= # Network mask (e.g. NETMASK= # Gateway (e.g. GATEWAY= # Domain (e.g. nat.entone.net) DOMAIN=nat.entone.net # Root Path (e.g. CTT) ROOTPATH= # Log Server LOGSERVER= # NTP Server NTPSERVERS= # DNS Server DNS1st= DNS2nd= # DHCP DHCPSID= DHCPGIADDR= DHCPSIADDR= DHCPCHADDR= DHCPSHADDR= DHCPSNAME= LEASETIME= RENEWALTIME= REBINDTIME= CLASSID= CLIENTID= # Next server ip NEXTSIADDR= # boot filename FILENAME="" # fallback boot filename FALLBACKFILENAME="" # CCMask (default: 0) ccmask=1 ccmask_dual=0 # CCType (0: OFF, 1: Line21, 2: Soft CC, 3: Line21 + soft CC(currently not supported) cctype=1 # default: 1 cctype_dual=1 # default: 1 # CC Service Channel (0: 608_CC1, 1: 608_CC2, 2: 608_CC3, 3: 608_CC4, 4: 708_1, 5: 708_2, 6: 708_3, 7: 708_4, 8: 708_5, 9: 708_6) cc_service=0 # default: 0 # CC Language Preference cc_lang=eng # default: 0 # CC Display Opinion - Pen Size (0: Program, 1: SMALL, 2: STANDARD, 3: LARGE) cc_display_pen_size=0 #default: 0 # CC Display Opinion - Pen Style (0: Program, 1: None, 2: Italics, 3: Underline, 4: Italics and underline) cc_display_pen_style=0 #default: 0 # CC Display Opinion - Font # (0: MONOSPACED_SERIFS, 1: PROPORTIONALLY_SPACED_SERIFS, 2: MONOSPACED_WITHOUT_SERIFS, 3: PROPORTIONALLY_SPACED_WITHOUT_SERIFS, 4: CASUAL, 5: CURSIVE, 6: SMALL_CAPITALS) cc_display_font=0 # default: 0 # CC Display Opinion - Color (0: Program, 1: WHITE, 2: BLACK, 3: GREEN, 4: BLUE, 5: YELLOW, 6: MAGENTA, 7: CYAN) cc_display_bg_color=0 # default: 0 cc_display_fg_color=0 # default: 0 cc_display_edge_color=0 # default: 0 # CC Display Opinion - Opacity (0: Program, 1: Solid, 2: Flashing, 3: Translucent, 4: Transparent) cc_display_bg_opacity=0 # default: 0 cc_display_fg_opacity=0 # default: 0 # CC Display Opinion - Edge type (0: Program, 1: None, 2: Raised, 3: Depressed, 4: Uniform, 5: Left drop shadow, 6: right drop shadow) cc_display_edge_type=0 # default: 0 # Spdif (0: Down Mix, 1: Pass through) spdifstate=1 # default: 1 # SCART Mode (0: CVBS, 1: S-Video, 2: RGB (SD), 3: YPbPr (HD)) scart_mode=0 # default: 0 # FAN Speed (0:off, 1:low, 2:middle, 3:high) fanspeed=1 # default: 1 # FP TOUCH MODULE STATUS (0: disable, 1: enable) fp_touch_module_status=1 # default: 1 # Network Mode (0: Off 12: ethernet interface, 13: HPNA interface, 14: wifi interface) wlan0=13 wlan1=12 # TiVO IR KeyCode (0: MAGNAVOX 10024-B, 1: CENTURION 00092-B) IrCode=0 # default: 0 # Subtitle status (0: disable 1: enable) subtitle_status=1 subtitle_status_dual=0 # Language # (0:Default, 1:English, 2:Spanish, 3:German, 4:French, # 5:Norwegian, 6:Swedish, 7:Korean, 8:Chinese, 9:Italian, # 10:Danish, 11: Romanian, 12: Russian, 13: Arabic) # Prefer Subtitle Language prefer_subtitle_lang=0 prefer_subtitle_lang_dual=0 # Prefer Audio Language prefer_audio_lang=0 prefer_audio_lang_dual=0 # Flicker Filter (0:Off, 1:Normal, 2:Blurry, 3:Sharp) Flicker_Filter=0 Flicker_Filter_dual=0 # tsu - Target Software Upgrade (0: default , 1: keep current version) tsu=0 # Recorder Remote attach to Decoder (0: decorder 1, 1: decoder 2, 2: decoder 3) remote_attach=0 # CGMSA level cgmsalvl=0 # CGMSA level wss625ar=0 # Router Scan method (sap, http, ftp, tftp) RouterScanMethod="sap" # VFD day time dimming level vfd_dim_lv=4 # VFD night time dimming level vfd_night_dim_lv=2 # VFD night time start (HR 0-23) vfd_night_start=0 # VFD night time end (HR 0-23) vfd_night_end=0 # ; seperated list of default acs url default_acs_url="http://acs.entone.com:8080/dps/TR069" # ; seperated list of connected acs url connected_acs_url="" # boot method ( "", acs, bootstrap) boot_server="" # wifi support wireless=0 # customer (0: Entone , 1: Belgacom , 2: TCOM , 3: KPN , 4: Sunrise , 5: Divitel) # this item should existed in APP default_sys_config.txt only. customer=0 # URC Key Delay Level urc_key_delay_lv=0 # URC Key Delay Second (1 means 100ms) urc_key_delay_sec=0 # bootmenu locale laguage (0: Eng) bm_locale=0 # satellite name choices, separated by ';' satellite_name_list="None;W2;Hotbird" # satellite name for LNB1 and LNB2 of DiSEqC switch 0 DiSEqC0_lnb1_satellite_name="None" DiSEqC0_lnb2_satellite_name="None" # local oscillator frequency (lo band and hi band) for LNB1 and LNB2 of DiSEqC switch 0 DiSEqC0_lnb1_lo_freq=0 DiSEqC0_lnb1_hi_freq=0 DiSEqC0_lnb2_lo_freq=0 DiSEqC0_lnb2_hi_freq=0 #MVN requirement for diseqc diseqc_switch_portno1=1 lnb_type1=0 lowband_lo_reception_freq1=0 lowband_hi_reception_freq1=0 highband_lo_reception_freq1=0 highband_hi_reception_freq1=0 diseqc_switch_portno2=2 lnb_type2=0 lowband_lo_reception_freq2=0 lowband_hi_reception_freq2=0 highband_lo_reception_freq2=0 highband_hi_reception_freq2=0 tone_frequency1=0 polarization1=0 v_polarization_volage1=0 h_polarization_volage1=0 satelliteId1=0 tone_frequency2=0 polarization2=0 v_polarization_volage2=0 h_polarization_volage2=0 satelliteId2=0 # HPNA current firmware version (NULL, Coax_12-44_VER_1.9.3_Cfg_a.bin) CURRENT_CG_FW_TYPE=NULL ntp_list="" # display output mode (1: single output (traditional), 2: dual output) display_mode=1 #front panel mode FPmode=0 # Skin support skin=en_US # Described video state (0: Disable, 1: Enable) described_video_state=0 described_video_state_dual=0 # URC Audio Control audio_control=1 # Audio Volume (0-100) audioVol=100 audioVol_dual=100 # Audio mute (0: unmute, 1: mute) audioMute=0 audioMute_dual=0 hdmi_connection=0 # DVBT upgrade freq. dvb_upgrade_freq=701000000 #### DVBT upgrade bandwidth (in MHz, examples for dvb_upgrade_bw are 6, 7, 8) dvb_upgrade_bw=6 # Browser resolution (e.g. 1280x720) browser_resolution="" #Network bridge mode ( 0:OFF, 1: All ) network_bridge_mode=0 # Detect all network interfaces at the same time in BBL network_auto_mode=0 #The url for opera to boot if no HDBCM_BOOT_Argument specified or empty #If neither of them are set, the box will reboot etv_url="" # user standby mode # (0: quick standby [default]) # (1: deep standby) user_standby_mode=0 # output_dac_disable output_dac_disable=1048832 # DAC control mode (0: off, 1: default, 2: auto) output_dac_mode=2 # system language in ISO639-3 system_lang="eng" video_position="0,0,100" # HDMI-CEC standby enable # 0: disable # 1: enable CEC message sent to TV # 2: enable CEC message received from TV # 3: enable CEC message transfer in both directions hdmi_cec_standby_enable=0 # HDMI-CEC rc pass through enable (0: disable, 1: enable) hdmi_cec_rc_pass_through_enable=0 # docsis preferred downstream frequency docsis_preferred_ds_freq=0 ap_mode=0 audio_delay=0 audio_delay_dual=0 cc_display_bg_color_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_bg_opacity_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_edge_color_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_edge_type_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_fg_color_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_fg_opacity_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_font_dual=0 # default: 0 cc_display_pen_size_dual=0 #default: 0 cc_display_pen_style_dual=0 #default: 0 dial_friendly_name="Entone STB" dial_friendly_suffix="" dvbt_upgrade_freq=701000000 external_antenna_power=1 hdmi_cec_osd_name="Amino STB" hdmi_hotplug_mode=2 hdmi_hotplug_mode_follow_ini=1 output_dac_display=0 sub_wlan0=0 video_position_dual="0,0,100" vudu_resolution_mode=1